This is my wall of words. I like funny quotes.
"Don't talk to me when I am talking to myself."
"Don't clean this mess you'll ruin my system."
"Stop talking while I am interrupting."
"Be yourself everyone else is taken."
"I love to give home made gifts, So which one of my kids would you like."

The next photo is the shelf I just put together the other day. It was $25 at sears the bin on the second shelf is full of extra school supplies & the stack on top of the paper holder is more. I buy them while they are on sale because we always need them in Jan and Feb. The plastic bag has postage in it & some note cards. I sent all the rest of the packing supplies down to the basement. The bottom bins are for craft projects that I am working on. I can switch when the mood strikes & they have a home when they are not in my hands. This freed up 18 inches for me to slide the big desk down.
I moved the desk that was here into my DD's room so she has a place to do homework & a draw for her make up. Fitting also that her father did home work at that very desk when he was in HS
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