The birth of a scarf.
This is a scarf I am working on for my DD.
She knows about it. I don't post Photos of things for her here unless she does, or I wait till she receives the gift then I post. Just in case she might pop in and see what her boring old mom is making.This scarf has been made possible by the wonderful donation of fiber from a Lady Sca-er who was kind enough to put us up during Day of Dance. (in IN) She had more yarn then I have ever seen in any yarn shop. it was the most amazing thing. She went shopping in her bins they were fiber content/color sorted. only the variegated did I buy at my local shop.The non furry yarn has a 20 % wool content so when it is done, I intend to wash it in hot water to see if it shrinks a little. The cool thing is when I first came home from the trip I had pieces done and laying on the table. Amber walking in and started petting it and saying " mom what is the cool fabric for" She really lit up when I told her it was the beginnings of her scarf I had promised her.
I have been telling her I will make her stuff and then never getting around to it a bit much these passed two years. I figured owe her a little bit of follow through. As you can see in one of my earlier posts I also made her new garb last month, something I have been saying I will do for a long time. I still will need to drag her with me to Pedro's to work on a pattern for a pair of garb pants and I need to make her an under tunic. but that will be next year (how many days till next year)