I like to up date photos on the walls, as I get new ones that I like. I dislike putting nails in the plaster walls, also I have to spackle and change where the nail is if I want to rearrange when I add new photos. So I use cork boards. I look for them at thrift stores but you can get them fairly cheep at a store like Target and Walmart. you can get decorative tacks or use photo corners stuck to flat tacks, if you don't want holes in your photos. you can also ads seasonal decor to the back round or paper back rounds. I like the plain. You can do this with photos of the out doors or other things and change them as often as you like with out taking up lots of room for storage.
All sort of crafts and SCA projects, and sometimes dinner. it is a true goulash of things to do and eat.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Cork board photo dispay
I like to up date photos on the walls, as I get new ones that I like. I dislike putting nails in the plaster walls, also I have to spackle and change where the nail is if I want to rearrange when I add new photos. So I use cork boards. I look for them at thrift stores but you can get them fairly cheep at a store like Target and Walmart. you can get decorative tacks or use photo corners stuck to flat tacks, if you don't want holes in your photos. you can also ads seasonal decor to the back round or paper back rounds. I like the plain. You can do this with photos of the out doors or other things and change them as often as you like with out taking up lots of room for storage.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
These are a few of my favorit things
I just read a new profound quote.
It is never to Late or to early for Chocolate!
I am a chocolate snob. I prefer over 62% I only buy 72% or hire and I tend to get it with cherries & Almonds or nibs in it. From the Health food store or section of the store.
I will in rare cases also take a Hersey bar but it must have almonds. If I am having a bad day this can really do the trick for making me feel better.
That and my Ice tea. I use Steevia & even carry Steevia packets in my car. I have discovered I am allergic to all artificial sweeteners even Splenda I won't even use the Truvia because it has something in it besides Steevia and I just don't feel like taking the risk any more.:( I drink Decaf tea, because,I drink so much. If all of my tea is caffeinated then I get migraines. I probably consume 2 gallons a day of tea. I really need to whiten my teeth as they are starting to show the amount of tea I drink, big time. I also use a straw so that the tea doesn't touch my teeth as much. I remember I had this boy friend who kept a calender of my time of the month and he knew when I would be PMSing and so he would show up with a bag of Hersey's with almonds and a big 32 oz glass of tea ready for me. It is so amazing but it really did help. And while you may think it was sweet of him, it was really self preservation, as my husband will tell you. My other food I love is Pop corn. Let me tell you in my house this is a regular food. As soon as my DD hits the door after school the pop corn air popper is going and the non dairy butter soy substitute is in the microwave. On it's own this soy fake is not good but on pop corn it is really good, and this is coming from some one who won't eat margarine. Then the topping goes on. This could be powdered buttermilk ranch (the kind used to make dressing) or garlic powder and salt. or Parmesan/Romano cheese. I can only find hidden Valley Ranch powder. Which totally sucks because they use MSG so I have to be careful how much I use. McCormick use to make it but I haven't found it in a long time. (Another thing that causes Migraines in me there is a list I will make one day). I buy the pop corn in bulk in the bulk section of my Dierbergs' store. I use my hot air popper a lot. This is my 4th or 5th since I have been married. And I go though tea maker every 6 months. Anyway, these are my most favorite things to eat. When I get sick these are the things I want by my bed side. Well that and Cambles chicken soup, or fresh french onion soup. But the main 3 will do.
It is never to Late or to early for Chocolate!
I am a chocolate snob. I prefer over 62% I only buy 72% or hire and I tend to get it with cherries & Almonds or nibs in it. From the Health food store or section of the store.
I will in rare cases also take a Hersey bar but it must have almonds. If I am having a bad day this can really do the trick for making me feel better.
That and my Ice tea. I use Steevia & even carry Steevia packets in my car. I have discovered I am allergic to all artificial sweeteners even Splenda I won't even use the Truvia because it has something in it besides Steevia and I just don't feel like taking the risk any more.:( I drink Decaf tea, because,I drink so much. If all of my tea is caffeinated then I get migraines. I probably consume 2 gallons a day of tea. I really need to whiten my teeth as they are starting to show the amount of tea I drink, big time. I also use a straw so that the tea doesn't touch my teeth as much. I remember I had this boy friend who kept a calender of my time of the month and he knew when I would be PMSing and so he would show up with a bag of Hersey's with almonds and a big 32 oz glass of tea ready for me. It is so amazing but it really did help. And while you may think it was sweet of him, it was really self preservation, as my husband will tell you. My other food I love is Pop corn. Let me tell you in my house this is a regular food. As soon as my DD hits the door after school the pop corn air popper is going and the non dairy butter soy substitute is in the microwave. On it's own this soy fake is not good but on pop corn it is really good, and this is coming from some one who won't eat margarine. Then the topping goes on. This could be powdered buttermilk ranch (the kind used to make dressing) or garlic powder and salt. or Parmesan/Romano cheese. I can only find hidden Valley Ranch powder. Which totally sucks because they use MSG so I have to be careful how much I use. McCormick use to make it but I haven't found it in a long time. (Another thing that causes Migraines in me there is a list I will make one day). I buy the pop corn in bulk in the bulk section of my Dierbergs' store. I use my hot air popper a lot. This is my 4th or 5th since I have been married. And I go though tea maker every 6 months. Anyway, these are my most favorite things to eat. When I get sick these are the things I want by my bed side. Well that and Cambles chicken soup, or fresh french onion soup. But the main 3 will do.
Posted by
Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
11:54 PM
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Wall of words and a new shelf
"Don't talk to me when I am talking to myself."
"Don't clean this mess you'll ruin my system."
"Stop talking while I am interrupting."
"Be yourself everyone else is taken."
"I love to give home made gifts, So which one of my kids would you like."
I moved the desk that was here into my DD's room so she has a place to do homework & a draw for her make up. Fitting also that her father did home work at that very desk when he was in HS
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Reusable Snack Bags
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Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
10:10 PM
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Hair Clippies
My DD like Hello Kitty, I made these on blank clips I buy them at Jo-Ann Fabrics in the quilting department when ever they are half off. I used the cheep solid ribin that is 5 abd 10 yards ob the spool that I also bought on sale at the same place. I may or may not have gotton the shiny poka-dot there. the Hello Kitty Butons I cot on Ebay for .99 Cents plus shipping.
She very much like them. :)
Posted by
Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
9:36 PM
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Hair stuff
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Pewter casting the final count down!
pewter finishing the pieces
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Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
6:47 PM
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pewter casting pouring the metal
Posted by
Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
5:50 PM
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pewter casting
this is a cauldron you can see that the metal is already melted in it. I think he stores his metal in it. as we go on and cast we now and again redeposit the sprue we cut off of the cast pieces
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Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
5:46 PM
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pewter casting the mold
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Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
5:30 PM
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Perter casting 1
Pewter casting First the safety you are working with molten metal so safety is paramount. eye protection and welding gloves. you still feel the heat though the gloves but that tells you to stop and let your mold cool some.
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Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
4:29 PM
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Thursday, September 10, 2009
Jester Hats for Pirate Fair
Monday, September 7, 2009
My keep me busy bag
So the stuff in this bag has purpose too. Some of the things I am making are gifts. You can see That there is a kumihimo braiding wheel with more floss in a baggy, 3 small drop spindles with wool to spin, An embroidery project I am working on needles, scissors, my boy scout whittling knife.a spool of ribbon, a ball of cotton and my favorite bamboo crocheting hook. as I use something up I replace it so that I always have a choice of what I want to do. And no matter where I am coming or going to there is not bored me playing bubble breaker on my phone.
Magazines 2-3
The 2nd magazine I receive in the mail is Real Simple.
This has all kinds of things in it. It was though this magazine that I found a recyled packing box company. They sell boxes that were used abut are still good. they shipped them for free and I got tham as moving kits so there was tape, marker, news print paper and a tape gun included. I moved my whole house for $178 in boxes and I didn't have to drive back and fourth to get them.
They test things and tell you what every one liked and why.
They have some new clothing trends and where to get them and the prices. They also have new uses for things. I is just a cool read for the every day person.
My 3rd Magazine I receive in the mail is Readers Digest. I will never out grow this one this read. I say that because I spent long weeks grounded at my grandmothers and she had all the back issues, all the way back to 1958 I got to live the moon landing thought them. and everything. Which was cool as a kid. I also read all her Helpful hints from Heloise which explains a lot of other things about me too.
Posted by
Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
6:15 PM
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This is one of the 3 magazines I get delivered. It is full of spinning, kitting weaving, dying, crocheting, and other fiber stuff. It is not always the most up to date with there information but I use it for ideas, and inspiration. They also put out a Magazine called Hand Woven.
A little off the beaten path
I love to read comics still. My favorite are not common and you should go out of your way to look them up. Some are classics that you know and love too. But I still miss Calvin and Hobbs.
Secret Asian man
Working Daze
Family Tree
Stone soup
Jump start
Baby Blues
Between Friends
Edge City
Fast track
Funky Winkerbean
My Cage
Safe Havens
The Other Coast
Tina's Grove
Least I could do (web comic)
Secret Asian man
Working Daze
Family Tree
Stone soup
Jump start
Baby Blues
Between Friends
Edge City
Fast track
Funky Winkerbean
My Cage
Safe Havens
The Other Coast
Tina's Grove
Least I could do (web comic)
Posted by
Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
5:48 PM
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Sunday, September 6, 2009
Car cup cozy
This is a car cup cozy. I crochet the first one with a small bit of left over cotton. Then I was making them to keep busy at
Posted by
Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
10:20 PM
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Bacon & Egg
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Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
6:43 PM
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Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Guitar pick Bracelet photo
Finely she brought it home for me to photograph. I made this with 7 picks at first but it was too big and fell off her wrist so we took one pick off and this is it. It is still loose it could probably stand to loose one more pick I think if she lets me it would be the green one. Amber likes it with the writing side up the writing is in silver. It can be worn either way though.
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Lady Strawberry ~Her Ladyship Mwynwen (Moon-win) Marilyn Sands Holt
1:53 PM
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Friday, September 4, 2009
My scissors
I hate not being able to find the scissors. Sometimes it is the biggest gripe that my husband and I have with our kids. I also hate digging in the Junk draw for them. I found a solution! We had to take our lawn mower to get the carburetor cleaned and the shop is around back of a What Not Shop. It is a shop that Jim and I have passed often and always meant to stop in but just never got around to it. And in this shop the has a scissor holder. well the only thing that could make this any better is if it had strawberries on it. as you can see it doesn't look garrish or out of place on the wall. I'm not done unpacking, even after a year here. I am still going though things and deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. so the wall collection isn't done. That is why the pictures look off balanced.
This is an area that is mostly completed. The stove Alcove. I took a wire shelf unit that I got for $25 bought some chain and screwed hooks into the ceiling and
I store my most of my food
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