Saturday, April 4, 2020

Pandemic Masks with non woven lining adding a metal nose piece and a button band

Pandemic Masks
I have noticed many people making masks and feel these extra things will make them more comfortable

finished mask held in place using button band.
 Button bands make them more comfortable. 

Button Band these were made with double fold 
quilt binding but ribbon or the 
handles of the shopping bag 

I used dental floss to sew on the buttons 
and to sew on the elastic bands 

I am using non woven reusable shopping bags as interfacing for these masks because I didn't have any interfacing on hand.

 I am taking spiral binder metal cutting it bending the ends in so it isn't sharp then creating a casing for it like I would for boning

I am sewing the casing to the inside out mask in the nose position

Then I turn the mask right side out.

I then sew along the edges to make the mask more crisp
I choose to ass double fold quilt binding this can also work as a pocket if you want to string you masks. I didnt do this on the Starry Night Fabric mask.

Because I was having problems finding elastic I had bought hair bands and cut them to use 

You can use regular hair ties either way when you cut them tie a knot at the end 
Here is one black mask men's size with nose metal and elastics 

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on the masks? Good to see you are all doing well. I use the mask paper pattern from Craft passion to make ours. My best to all. til next time. connie
