Saturday, October 21, 2017

Bullet Journal trials and successes 1 of 3

 I have 3 bullet journals the first one is my beginning attempt at the idea. and what I learned about myself, what works for me and more important what doesn't
I started with dreams of grandure

House chore cleaning list I can say I wish I was better about doing these.
list of bills to pay
we switched to using excel for this

I have been good working on a goal list. this helps still my mind a bit I can even have a page for a project. This helps me so much.
The "ToDone" list is a tadah list really it helps me remeber all the things I have gotten done. 

SCA todo list

things that cost that I was saving for.

I had dreams of illustrating my recipes. we will see if I decide to try this again this year who knows I am not holding out hope.
Tomorrow I will show you My second attempt. Much better still using it.

Friday, October 20, 2017

making laudrey soap befor work

Time to make more laundrey soap.
I quickly though together my washing soda, Borax, fragrance crystals, while I was microwaving the cut up Felps soap bar a min at a time for 4 min in a 1200wat microwave. After the soap cooled I used my hands and powdered the now puffs of soap. Then added it to the mixture and stired till fully blended. I put it in my pretty washing machien box with the Table spoon measuring tool. I use 2 tablespoons of the laundrey soap for a load of laundrey.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

2018 goal

welcome to Oct. in my world that means pondering the end of year and getting ready for the holidays. but also preparing next years life Goals. I am not perfect on these but lets look at some successes of passed life goals.

starting on 2014's put money in savings every week. Done i am up to about 30$ a week this year. we have repetedly tapped into it rather then borrow from family. this wS right after moms stroke.

2015 make meal plans and menues to waste less food and eat better and be less stresssed about dinner.and Graduating with my A.S.

2016 make my bed every day. It was a horrible Nd amazing year filled withgoing to gulf wars and having the house burn down our feienda pitching in to help though all that hell. buying a house. mom dieing. and getring frozzen sholder.

2017 working on home, and the body is our souls home so working on that as well. we did so much to the new house. and Ihave lost 45 Lbs so far partisipated in 2 - 5 Ks. First one walking the second one run walking. got my time down to 42 min.
I also kicked diabetes before i had to take meds for it.
I will continue working on all that came before as always. I intend to work on a buisness. As well as get out In the Middle Kingdom and teach more. Do some light fencing along the way.
So as the sun sinks lower in the sky and we aproch saimhain and Yule you too should reflect on your successes and think of planning a goal. rember a Goal iz a wish if you dont write it down.