Friday, February 14, 2020

Our 3 spoons! age of minimalist meet age of minimal effort for health

Our 3 Spoons

Every morning Jim Dear wakes up before me. From 2 to 4 hrs before me, even on weekends. He may make himself coffee and go to work or make coffee and make breakfast for him and his brother. I get up make coffee and cradle it in my hands while I ponder my aches and pains and do stretches to lessen them, while coming to full cognitive human statice.
These are the morning spoons one is a coffee scoop it is a Table spoon that is designed in a way that it is recognizable as a coffee scoop and is used as such. The middle spoon is a traditional table spoon it is used for Stevia in our house. The third spoon is a place setting stainless steel tea spoon, in this case it is a coffee spoon, Used for stirring coffee.
As such they rest of a soda lid on the counter by the coffee pot, always. There is no reason to put them away, or even wash them, any time, unless they hit the floor. Our counter is set in such a way that the animals can't get up on it.
In a minimalist culture some would say one table spoon could function as all three. But they would be wrong. The coffee scoop has coffee oil on it and has grounds, though small, that stick to it and would end up mixing with the stevia in the end product. I don't like chewy coffee. The stevia spoon cant be used for stirring coffee or it could get damp and then the stevia would get messy and the spoon icky. Our 3 spoons are perfect for the job each does and their effort of just sitting there is an unspoken agreement. In a lot of ways that is how we live together and travel together, with a whole bunch of shared unspoken agreements on what makes our life comfortable. It sounds small and insignificant, maybe that is what living successfully with another person is. It isn't compromise, it is mini agreements that life is sometimes better with less effort?
Enjoy your morning beverage what ever it is.

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