Friday, March 12, 2021

2021 Goals

 The different between a goal and a wish. A goal has a plan.

Goals 2021 "non SCA"
1. & 2. lose weight, gain strength (to better brace my joints)
"I don't always roll joints but when I do it is Usually my ankle"
I am using Noom and down 7 lbs so far. Also I am walking the dog when she lets me (she had her hip removed and didnt like the bitter cold anymore) but I walked with out her yesterday.
3. I am trying to not bite my nails a thing I have done since I was a toddler. so far so good. I keep a file and buffer in my desk draw.
4. Pay off debt. (I started officerly Oct 31 as my new years but unbeknownst to Jim I started in April) I have paid off 3 things and paying off a 4th this month. I am using the Snowball method. Making choices to do this was made easier by not having a student loan payment temporarily. I started with the use of Excel listing the debt the payment the interest rate. then I list what the snowball amount is. I also have have been putting money away till I had 1000 in savings for any emergences. on top of this I am paying for my daughters wedding as well it is in 2022 but by getting things and booking a site now we can get a place she wants and the things she wants at prices and eco conscience which makes both of us happy. This is helped also because of the next goal.
5. Minimal/ simplistic. I am cleaning and clearing my house. every time some one passes they cant bear to just give stuff to a thrift store. so I end up with it for one reason or another. when I move into this house I promised myself that things that came in would be intentional. but then I have things like moms books. Mom loved her books. I MEAN LOVVVVVED THEM! I am looking though the cook books picking the recipes and photo coping them and adding them to my cook book and releasing them. My goal is one shelf of mom cook books, and no more. I have sleeping bags. I don't use sleeping bags. "Going away they are. Why do I have 5 spatulas in the basement kitchen? GONE! " Clothes have gone into a quarantine bin and in the spring they will be looked at and if I do not intend to wear it they are going too. Pictures will be hung or they are gone. So on, and on. Shopping needs to be very intentional and it is more so. I am buying more from small business when I can and only things on my list.

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