Tuesday, August 30, 2022

I said no

 Easier to seek forgiveness them permission has been used against me for 2 long.

My children are better behaved then him. 

He used my children against me 

to my parental credit I always gave to my children.

You try and trap me by making it so our debt doesn't go away.

You remember little so you say but you remember when I said 20 years ago that I want to be free of debt if I leave you. 

You think of that now that you are watching me pay off all the debt that you can't stop that.

You used that money calculating that I would cave and make up the missing money to get our son a computer. 

He is worth it for sure. But no. You were the one with the idea to get it. You said you would put your windfall of money toward it if I could match it with gift savings money. Well I stand by that

I will.match your funds. That is 0$'s 

Nope not my fault  you did this not me. I have things to pay off. 

It is just the first time I have stood up to you really. It is not the last

 There are no arguments on the subject. 

My silentance speaks volumes.

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