Friday, August 26, 2022

Slip Streaming goals

 Happiness is now~ Rumi

Slip streaming is changing how life is lived and perceived. It is living and moving in time space in a non linear way. Time does not fly when we’re having fun, it slows. 

Living a meaningful life is about perception. 

While keeping our perceived reality moving  forward toward our intended destination, it is important to remember that we multiply what we concentrate on. 

Slip streaming is the science fiction way of moving faster then the speed of light. 

Slip streaming is also Drafting such as with bicycling  or a traveling in a boat wake..  causing the objects moving behind it in the same path to move with less effort and less energy though the space and time due to less resistance and the drag pulling the object behind it.

Slip streaming requires the hyper focusing or forgoing of other things. Concentrating on the few and not the many

Time jumping

Using slip streaming causes time jumping almost like the folding of space time it sometimes seems as is opportunities just open up or appear or people who just seemed lucky, or folks who perceive risk faster and or are less risk adverse.

Combining atomic habits with time jumping.

Combined Habit stacking for productivity with time hacking 

Decide what doesn’t serve yourself any more and stop putting energy there. Hold ideas as if objects and ask yourself is this still serving me in a positive way, if it is not then let it go just like a physical object.


We own nothing but time. Everything else is owned buy the earth we only store it.

All things that cost money really cost time. A mortgage costs the time worked to pay for that object. Time is the cost. This doesn’t make it not worth it. But it needs to be considered

Quantum change

Perception of elapsed time, living in the moment, is not failing to plan for the future, it is remembering you can do both at the same time. 

Change should be for positive reason. 

Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.

Being in a car being driven very fast on a curvy Cliff side road I realized the driver was fully present with the car, road and speed  in a zen like way. Not like driving through a city, in which perceiving the surrounding, the road the speed and the traffic is not fluid and there for is terrifying.

Time hacking causes the slowing down of time perception as you get in the zone.

Understanding that you can only hyper focus one slip stream at a time is very important

 Understanding that you can slip stream because of others by drafting.

Some identify this perception as luck, and sometimes even privilege. It is perception combined with a willingness to take a calculated chance. That fearing change is what holds back this. Some call it intuition some call it blind luck. Surrounding yourself with the right opportunities also helps in slip streaming. 

Pruning unconstructive things and people is critical 

One degree off course over time will take a person decades off course if course corrections are not checked and made.

Never allow fear of success to stand in your way of taking a leap.

Whatever the goal, being committed is a requirement of success for slip streaming to work.

Being committed 100% makes every choice easier. Only 100% commitment will bring about the desired result. 

Remove negative influences that will prevent you from being pulled down by those who are ok with the status quo. 

Everything is possible , but not all at the same time. Choose to prioritize, and look for invisible doors.

Thinking big means thinking far out. Delayed gratification equals bigger better

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